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Saturday, June 9, 2007

Stuck in Limbo

I have felt that i've been stuck in limbo for the last few days before school starts back up on monday. I just don't know what to do with myself, and i am just plain bored. I don't really have the urge to do anything special, it just wierd. I went to get an oil change today at walmart, by the way i just changed subjects drastically b/c i thought of something to talk about. So i went to walmart and pulled up, and waited a good 5 minutes before one of those trashy type girls came out to get my info. By trashy i mean, the type of girl, with bleach blonde hair as well as black hair mixed in, with tattooed eyebrows, and a stuck in low attitude. Besides that, when i walked into the waiting room, I was immediatley approached by some old man asking, " where is the bathroom," I replied, "uhhh i have no idea sir." What I would have liked to say is "fuck, I don't know, I don't F-ing work here." But i guess my more polite side came out. So anyways thats my excitement for the day.

Much Love

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Summer School

Well, unlike most everyone else I am forced to take 2 summer school classes in order to finish out my career at Mizzou. Classes start on the 11th of June and end August 4th. So only 2 months stands between me and the real world. I'll be continuing my work at the Lobster much to my dismay.

I know I have been lacking on posting lately, and the only answer I have is that I have not felt very creative lately. I don't really have anything too interesting to talk about. I will try to post as I can.

Much Love